Group shot from Paradise Road, Cannon Square, Penang. Glenn Close and Juianna Margulies are kneeling at center. See how many other stars you can find in the first row. Click to enlarge! |
To endure the many hardships and the humiliation, including forced prostitution as comfort women, the imprisoned women formed a choir that sang a cappella, which moved their Japanese captors.
Directed by Bruce Beresford (who won an Oscar for Driving Miss Daisy , the film starred Americans Glenn Close (Fatal Attraction, 101 Dalmations), Francis McDormand (who won an Oscar for Fargo), and Julianna Margulies of the TV program ER; England’s Jennifer Ehle (Pride and Prejudice) and Elizabeth Spriggs (Sense and Sensibility); and Australian Cate Blanchett (Lord of the Rings, and who an Oscar for The Aviator).
Glenn Close and Juianna Margulies are sitting at center. I'm behind the camera wearing a cute sailor outfit (see link here). I snuck in a camera and then snuck over and stood beside the official photographer for Paradise Road. I have this enlarged and framed in my office at home. Cool shot; great memories!
*Here's also a link to three of my other films including the tango dance scene in Indochine.
Here are links to some
of my author-to-author interviews of first novelists:
Mowe author of Iban Dream and Iban Journey.
Samarasan author of Evening is the Whole Day.
Guat Eng, author of Echoes of Silence and Days
of Change.
Five part Maugham
and Me series
Beheaded on
Road to Nationhood: Sarawak Reclaimed—Part